This is life 2: A Truely Asia Experience
Malaysia is truly Asian. It has scenic landscapes and great towering buildings.
Across the causeway, a land of uniqueness transform to an Asian one.

Interesting giant fish, with coins thrown on its back by tourist. Some Chinese tourists had to be stopped because the whole load of passengers on the bus were waiting for them.

Malaysia does have its subtle scenic views that Singapore lacks. And land plots of land that Singapore desires.

halo.. maybe u can consider blogging in Chinese? sometimes, it's hard to understand ur language..
whenever I step into our frenly neighbour, vivid images of pretty sarong gers and swaying palm trees enter my mind.
Malaysia, turely asia.....
Malaysia can be beautiful.
juz wanna share this joke with u all:
in the middle of analytical chem lecture @ LT32 ~1630 (i think)
NK: sian.. 我们 last 3 sems 拿的 As 都赢不了 MCY 一个 sem 里拿的 As..
ME: aiyah, 人比人气死人..
NK: 可是他是猪..
and the duo burst out in (almost) controlled laughter..
interesting, thanks for sharing.
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